Strativia News

Smart CEO Magazine Features Strativia CEO Kenneth C. Kelly

Baltimore, Maryland – February 3, 2012 – Strativia CEO Kenneth C. Kelly was recently featured in an issue of Smart CEO Magazine. Inside, the software leader spoke about technological trends and how they are affecting the software business. He also addresses the newest developments, focusing on software-as-a-service (SaaS) and a combination of portal and cloud technologies.

According to Kelly, one of the fruits of these ideas is the Strativia eFinancial Portals product. This software allows financial institutions to give customers all of the data they need without leaving the institution’s site. It also serves as a lead generation system. Strativia has also developed several other products that combine cloud and portal technology. More are planned over the next year.

Inside Strativia, Kelly and others leverage technology to increase efficiency and provide customers with what they need in a timely manner. The company uses many open-source technologies as well as developing its own software to provide custom solutions that fit every customer’s needs.

Smart CEO Magazine is a resource that provides ideas to decision makers at growing companies. It has more than 50,000 subscribers in the Washington, DC, Philadelphia and Baltimore areas.

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